Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Verailles

The Treaty of Versailles greatly affected Germany after WWI. It basically pinned the entire incident on Germany. They were responsible for paying off all the countrys who were greatly affected by the war, which was basically the major countrys of the world. Germany lost all control of their oversea colonies aswell, which was a major loss during a time where imperialism was at its peak. Some of the German border was lost aswell. They lost Alsace and Lorraine to France after 47 years of country, they lost a small portion of northern Germany to Denmark, and a large part of eastern Germany, which became the country of Poland.

Germany was in a major political "slump" after the Treaty of Versailles. They needed a leader to take over and get the country back into shape. This is why historians believe the treaty led to the rise of Hitler and a more dictator oriented government. Hitler took total control and tried to reform Germany into the empire it was before it's major loss of World War I.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a war hero from world war 1 who later became the president of Turkey. He felt that Turkeys involvement in the Islamic religion didn't modernize them. He wanted his country to be respected in the eyes of the western nations. This was secularism. Secular is pertaining to worldy things instead of religious or spiritual things. He felt that the islamic nature made his country look less respected than the other countrys of the world.

First and foremost, he didn't like the current clothing of the country. He felt that the fez was a sign of ignorance. He wanted everyone in the country to be wearing a dress shirt, a tie, jacket, waistcoat, and a hat, to make his country's culture more similar to the western nation. He felt that having women hide there faces and huddle down whenever a man would walk by was ridiculous and barbaric. Last, he changed the nations alphabet. The hard to discipher letters of the islamic alphabet led to an incredibly high ammount of illeterate citizens. He encouraged people to teach each other the new adopted alphabet to make the country look more civilized. Without the Atatürk's encouragement, Turkey would still be the "uncivilized" country it was when it was under heavy Islamic influence.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Ghandi"

Ghandi was quite possibly the reason India gained its independence. He showed great leadership and displayed never before seen tactics to topple an empire. He had the unique philosophy of non-violence. He believed that violence wouldn't solve anything. "An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind" was a quote by him that truly expresses how he feels about violence, no one benefits from it.

His idea of civil disobedience was mainly displayed through public acts defying British laws. Some of the things he did were stuff such as, spinning his own cloth and encouraging others to do so, leading the salt march to protest the british salt acts, and not buying British made products. He used these methods effectively because he dealt an economic blow to the British. He didn't want to hurt them physically, but instead break all ties between them and India so that they faced a sort of economic drought.

I don't think India would have its independence if not for Ghandi. He showed tremendous leadership and gave the people hope and inspiration. Without Ghandi, the Indian people would've taken the violent approach and the British army would've destroyed them. Ghandi didn't provoke military action, which was why India got as far as it did. Ghandi was the foundation of India’s independence.