Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9th Grade Review - The Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution was the transition from being nomadic groups of people, to settling down and farming. This transition led to the development of organized society. People went from there barbaric methods of hunting and gathering, to the domestication of crops and animals. This vast advancement in technology led to a major increase in food. The increase in food allowed for more people to live, thus increasing the population and this encouraged the development of cities.

Traiditional farming methods were discovered during this expansive time period. Methods such as slashing and burning were first thought up during this time. This method of slashing and burning is when you burn the forested areas, creating flat land and a sort of fertilizer for the future crops to be grown there. They also learned that certain animals could be domesticated and bred for food. This major development was much easier than the dangerous hunting and gathering. This Neolithic Revolution basically paved the way for future civilization .

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