Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

Schindler's List showed just how ruthless the nazi people were. They packed hundreds of jews onto train cars, they destroyed all the jewish people's belongings, and took the children away from there parents. It depicted the cruel acts that people can do. Burning of bodies, killing people for absolutely no reason what so ever. The most powerful scene for me, probably isn't the most signficant. It was when the female jewish engineer went up to the nazi generals to tell them that the foundation needed additional work, or something along those lines. Instead of taking her word and possibly rewarding her, the leading general tells one of his soilders to shoot her. Then when she's kneeling down with the soilder behind her, she utters the words "It'll take more than this to stop me". The soilder, without hesitating simply cocks his gun and shoots while replying, "I'm sure it will". The ability to simply shoot someone without showing any remorse or sympathy is just unimaginable.

There was a bunch of scenes from the movie that will probably stay with me. When Schindler was giving the jewish people on the train extra water, the generals told him, "that's cruel Oscar, giving them hope". It just doesn't make sense how someone can have the ability to show that much hate towards a single race of people. All the shooting scenes leave a lasting impression aswell. Especially the scene when the jewish boy made a run for it, and when the soilder raised his gun, the dad jumped in front and pushed the gun down screaming for his sons life. The soilder simply turned and shot the man without thinking. Then when the other soilders brought back his son, he didn't even wait for them to bring him closer, he shot him from a good 20 feet away.

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