Thursday, March 22, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I'd have to aggree that the bombing of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the biggest event of the 20th century. The sheer magnitude of the bombings make them unsurpassable on the list of 100 top events. The dropping of the bombs not only killed well over 300 thousand people over a 10 year span, but the bombs also signified a major land mark in world history. It was the first time that nuclear warfare took place. People have attempted genecide before, there's been hundreds of wars, hundreds of thousands of people have been assassinated, but nothing has, and possibly ever will, ammount of the uneasy feeling the atomicc bombs created. On the list of 100 biggest events, I'd probably only move the Treaty of Versailles higher on the list since it started the initial domino effect that created the holocaust, world war 2, and the atomic bombings of Japan.

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